Livable Future Investing

Can impact investing transform our way of being in the world? with Dr. Stephanie Gripne, Impact Finance Center

Felipe Witchger & Elizabeth Garlow Season 1 Episode 14

"What excites you?" is the question Dr. Steph advises folks to start with when recognizing an "impact investing" journey can often feel overwhelming: the governance, philanthropy, public and direct investing implications. In this interview, Dr. Steph tells a couple powerful stories about a small foundation and a division of the Walton foundation and how through their work with her and the Impact Finance Center, they began to find new ways around the blockages that often hold us back. 

The role of the heart, and being "brave" capital stewards, figured more prominently than I had expected. Topics that get cover include full spectrum capital (understanding how powerful negative returns can be) to creating "T-ball" like environments (safe learning spaces) for capital stewards (or simulations) can help, to how her Impact Investing Institute (200 slide presentations and 75 recordings) can be a barnacle to any organization -- to help equip and support the restoration of an ecology that facilitates more impact investing. 

With a PhD in Forest Ecology, Dr. Steph has wonderful metaphors and specific words, we hope you'll be moved to adopt and contribute to the growing ecosystem. 
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